Reference: Display Filters: HLQuotes
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Contents: Filter Overview User Interface & Options
Example Variables
Filter Overview This display filter highlights quoted text, and can trim long quotation blocks by using a scroll region or a clickable toggle between the full and trimmed quotation block.

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User Interface The user interface for this filter looks like this:

The available configuration options are:

  • Separator Chars - Characters in this set separate quotation levels. For example, if this set contains both a "greater than" (">") and a vertical bar ("|") character, then the line:

      Bob| Joe> This is some text...

    has a quote level of two. Different quote levels are highlighted independently.

  • Prefix Len - The maximum number of characters in a single quote prefix. For example, if this value is set to four (4), then the line:

      Bob>Joeseph> This is a test

    has only one quote level.

  • Max Lines - The maximum number of lines to display from a single quote block. Depending on the other settings, the full quote can be toggled on or scrolled through.

  • Max Level - The maximum quote level to display. Lines quoted more deeply than this are hidden. For example, if this value is 2, the 2nd and 3rd lines below would be hidden:

      >> Hello
      >>> These two lines
      >>> are hidden
      > But not this one

  • UI Mode - There are several available quoting modes:
    • Toggle Full/Partial - Allows toggling between full and trimmed quotation blocks.
    • Show Only Trimmed Quote - Always shows trimmed quotation blocks.
    • Scroll Quoted Region - Shows a small scrolling view of the larger quotation block. The size of the scroller is determined from the settings for Max Lines.

For each quotation level up to 5, the text style may be adjusted. Quotation levels greater than 5 use the text style for 5:

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Example A scrollable quote block looks like this. The scrollbar on the left may be used to scroll through the quoted text:

A togglable quote block looks like this. The small box may be clicked to toggle between the full and trimmed quote block:

And a trimmed quote block with no user interface looks like this:

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Variables There are no variables supported by this filter.